Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Search Operators in List tab

I would like to share a tip on Search Operators on the List tab fields when retrieving the data in Maximo 7.x

1.    > [greater than Sign) before a date or number to find records that exceed that value

Example: >1172 finds records of occurrences that have Work order number greater than 1172

  >1/11/13 finds records of occurrence after that date.
The date can also be typed. The date format depends on the existing date formats.

2.        < (less than sign) before a number or date to find records that are less than that value
3.        = (equal sign) before a word or number to find only the records that match that value exactly.
Simply typing APPR value in Status field of work order application List tab would display Work orders of status APPR and WAPPR.
To get exact APPR records, we need to type =APPR in the List tab
4.       != (not equal sign) before a value to find records that doesn't match the value.

5. We can use comma [,] operator to list the records that match with either of the values in the List tab. It acts as OR operator.
For example, Typing WPPR,COMP in the status field will retrieve all records that are in status WAPPR or COMP.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Invalid Characters in MIF data load

MIF loading framework is XML-based, thus when loading flat data the first step taken by the framework is to convert the flat structure to a hierarchical XML structure.

We should be aware that some of the invalid characters [ < ,  > , ' , &, "] need to be avoided in flat file.
If you place a character like "<" inside an XML element, it will generate an error because the parser interprets it as the start of a new element.
When these characters are used in the flat file, we need to replace them with the entity references.
&lt;         <    less than
&gt;        >    greater than
&amp;    &    ampersand
&apos;    '    apostrophe
&quot;    "    quotation mark

Incorrect Data: "Multiple Assets & Locations"
Correct Data: "Multiple Assets &amp; Locations"

Thursday, October 17, 2013

MXApplicationYesNoCancelException not possible in Maximo 7503 Automation script

As of Maximo 7503, we cant throw MXApplicationYesNoCancelException from an automation script.
It is due to the limitation present in the design of Automation script in this version.

A RFE is in place to implement it in future release 7506.

Friday, September 20, 2013

URL to upload files to PMR

While providing log files [maximo.log, Systemout.log or SystemErr] to PMR team, we can send them by replying to their email.

If the file size is more, then we can use the URL to upload files. You should be knowing the PMR number to perform this task.
It is also useful, if you cant transfer files from server. 

PMR number: <PMR number separated by comma> [XXXXX,XXX,XXX]

Upload is for:  Tivoli
Email Address: <To whom the confirmation will be send>

2. Upload the files to the PMR

3. Files are uploaded to this PMR, and PMR person can download them for their reference.

4. The confirmation email will be received by the uploader.