Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Download Maximo 7.5 and Websphere 7

The part no. of Websphere Application Server 7 varies based on the Operating system we are going to install. As of now, we have six types of operating systems that Maximo supports [AIX, HP-UX, IBM i, Linux, Solaris, Windows].

We can find the Websphere part numbers in the below link.
The downloadable file name is the part number

Maximo 7.5 Download using Passport Advantage site

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Communication template email via scripting in Maximo

We can trigger email notification with Communication Template with Automation Scripts.
It is needed only if the Application doesn't have the feature.

The Approach is to use Communication Template functionality, and trigger email send through script.
1. Configure Communication Log in the Application, let us say Asset Application

1.1 Add the tab with the below tag in Asset.xml

2. Create Relationship between ASSET and COMMLOG
Condition: ownerid in (select assetuid from asset where assetnum=:assetnum and siteid = :siteid) and ownertable = 'ASSET'

3. Create a Communication template for Asset application with comm. Log entry flag set to 1.

4. Create a Attribute Launch Point Script

When ever there is a change in Asset Status, this script will send an email to User based on the Communication Template.

if (STATUS_modified is not None):
      # whereclause is a string with condition to select a comm.template
      whereclause = "TEMPLATEID ='TEST'"

      # Get the Communication template via Asset relationship to send email  
      # mbo is implicit asset object through which we get a template             
      ctMboSet = mbo.getMboSet("$commtemp","COMMTEMPLATE",whereclause);
      ctMbo = ctMboSet.getMbo(0)
      if(ctMbo is not None):

5. Check the change status log in Communication Log tab.