Thursday, July 9, 2015

Maximo YORN value properties setting.NO_XX or setting.YES_XX

We can change the display of time based on the locale setting of a user profile.
Similar way, Maximo offers a way to display the YES or NO in YORN field based on your locale setting.

There are 2 system properties, that are used to display different values. let us take AR - arabic as example.

Screen 1 and 2 shows the values in Arabic language for YES and NO in System properties application.

When you set your profile to locale AR (screen 3), it will show you the values in these properties in the YORN lookup fields as in screen 4.

For base language, it will be setting.NO and setting.YES.

Screen 1:

Screen 2:

Screen 3:


Screen 4:


  1. Interesting your posted this today. Not related to your post, but I tried to install maxinst.bat (demo Oracle database) and it kept dying at the YES_AR because of the Arabic characters. Same with the Hebrew characters. Maybe it is due to the charset of the database as US7ASCII instead of something that supports other countries besides US:

    1. IBM has recommendations on choosing the charset based on database server SQL, DB2 or Oracle. Please post your query on developerWorks forum. There are a lot of people to help you out.
