Configure Tibco as JMS provider:
JMS provider:
- In Websphere, create a new Tibco provider tibjmsbus
- Classpath field: Copy the tibco jar files from TIBCO server to the machine where Websphere is installed.
- External initial context factory: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory
- External provider URL: tibjmsnaming://HOST:PORT (e.g. tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222) – refer the real time in the below screen shot.
- Under Additional properties, click on custom properties:
– a name of a the user used to connect to Tibco – a password
of the user used to connect to Tibco
connection factory
Within Tibco JMS provider create a
new queue connection factory specifying the following:
- Name: QueueConnectionFactory (default queue connection factory in Tibco) . We can modify as per our wish.
- JNDI name – local name to be used on WebSphere server (e.g. QueueConnectionFactory)
- External JNDI name – external JNDI name on Tibco server
from a container-managed authentication alias drop-down select the newly
created in the previous step tibcoUser alias. (e.g. jms/tibcoQCF).
Create a new authentication alias (eg: tibcoUser) providing a user name and password to be used while connecting to a connection factory.
Within Tibco JMS provider create a
new queue providing the following:
- Name:
MY_QUEUE, by default. You can give any
name. TibocInbound or TibcoOutbound – sample names.
- JNDI name – local name to be used on WebSphere server. This name will be referred in Maximo External system application.
TIBCO Buses can be configured as End point or Queue.