Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Maximo Manage MAS HTTP End Point with OAuth Configuration

Maximo Manage supports OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type where we send client ID and secret ID to an OAuth provider URL for authentication and receive an access token.

OAuth authenticated service API can be accessed from Maximo Manage for End Points HTTP handler and WEBSERVICE-JAX-WS handler.

Steps to create OAuth enabled End point
1. Most of OAuth using TLS or SSL handshakes, so we must upload the Manage trust store with the certificates from the OAuth provider 
2. Access to object Structure MXAPIOAUTHCLIENT should be given to the security group.

3. Configure the OAUTH client properties in the End Point applications -> "Add/Modify OAuth Clients" Action

Sample values for reference

4. Check the table MAXOAUTHCLIENT to confirm whether the token is generated correctly. 
The OAuth provider specifies an expiration interval for the access token. After expiration, a new token is generated when a new authentication request occurs. 

5. Use the OAuth Client parameter in the HTTP Handler End point to use this authentication mechanism.

6. To test the HTTP end point with oauth, create an automation script with invokeEndPoint function to get the response. code oauthhttpendpointmas.py
