Lead Time (Days) in a PM
The number of days in advance of the Next Due Date that Maximo generates work orders from this PM. The target start date for the work order will still be the Next Due Date.
You must Select the Lead Time Active checkbox before you can enter or edit data in this field.
Usually, this field value will be zero. If you set any positive value, it will affect the generation of WO. pm_lead_time.html
PM Alert Lead
In the PM application, there is an 'Alert Lead Days' field which can be used to Alert users when a work order is due ahead of time.
Alert is when you create a WO from methods other than PM for same asset, it will alert you by a warning message that a PM is due for this Asset.
In order to enable this option, we need a system admin level setting in Organizations application -> Select Action -> PM Options.
Generate PM Alerts for Assets When Corrective Maintenance WO Status field can have status value of WO to alert users.
Steps to enable Alert and usage is explained in this link:preventive-maintenance-alerts