Friday, May 31, 2024

Comparison of Maximo 7.6.x vs MAS 8.x for MAS Upgrade

As IBM planned to discontinue the regular base support for Maximo 7.6.1.x version on Sep'2025, clients are analyzing the impact on their existing Infrastructure and Systems. It's useful to know the basic difference between the versions for preparing for MAS Upgrade.

   Maximo 7.6.1.x
                MAS 8.x
Application Server
WAS Liberty
Normal JDBC configuration connected via client VPN
Hosted from IBM Cloud
Connection possible via SSL certification only
Server Folder/Logs
Server File path can be accessed using WinScp or putty tool and download the log file
Connection with accesskey & secretkey for Cloud Object Storage (like AWS Bucket).
Mobile Solutions
Maximo Anywhere and Work Centers

SSO not available in OOB Maximo Anywhere
Maximo Anywhere & Work Centers will be deprecated from 8.9 version.
SSO supported in Maximo Mobile Out of Box. 

Adoption to Maximo Mobile with MAS demands some effort for clients.
Hyper scalers
Can be hosted from Cloud Servers like EC2
Available in Amazon and Azure Marketplace with instructions.

Clients need resource with skillset of managing the infrastructure
Inspections Form and Conducting Inspections
Work Centers
Maximo Mobile
UI theme
Old Maximo theme can’t be retained
Users & Person applications
Users & person application with MAS Administration application.

MAXUSERSYNC will create users from MAXUSER table to Administration application
Self Service Portal (SSP)
SSP devops portal can be used for running configdb, restart servers, running sql etc.,
If we use IBM Cloud, then IBM SRE team will perform the activity by a case from client. 

If we use Azure/AWS Cloud, we can perform such actions on our own.
Messaging engine
JMS and Kafka providers are supported.

JMS queues are hosted in same Application server
JMS and Kafka providers are supported

JMS queues are hosted from a different server using a new bundle standalonejms to isolate the functionality.

A set of OOB kafka cron tasks to be enabled for MAS
UI Difference
-> Save button is at right hand side in all application and it’s not easy to use

-> Buttons around the tables are different after Upgrade
Used for data dictionary (like information and user management)
Production Database
Read access is given by default
Read access is given only if you buy a secondary database                                      
  Java files with proper folder structure.          Build EAR and deploy into Application Server.
Development is same, but deployment process is different. 

We need to create a zip file and upload to MAS.                                      
Barcode in BIRT Reports needs customization

Oracle Compatible SQLs (such as rownum, connect by prior) are allowed in DB2
Barcodes are supported in OOB BIRT Configuration

Oracle Compatible SQLs are disabled in DB2. We need to use an alternative sql in DB relationships and reports. Replacing "connect by prior" vs "with clause"                                 
