Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Disable manual status change for records in WF

In some cases, we may require to restrict Users to change record status only through Work flow.

In the Work flow process design, there are some custom class actions OKSTATUS and NOSTATUS.

To block the manual status, include the NOSTATUS action in the workflow process design. This lock will be in effect until the opposite action OKSTATUS is called or the process stops.


  1. Where does Maximo store this NOSTATUS flag, preventing status changes for a specific record? I have a work order in status = COMP that is not in workflow and it can not be status changed to CLOSED. I have had this issue before but can not for the life of me find this.

    1. Maximo registers the event and response for actions NOSTATUS (psdi.workflow.WorkflowNoStatus) and OKSTATUS (psdi.workflow.WorkflowOkStatus) actions in the EVENTRESPONSE table.
