We need to override the getInboxAssignments() method by extending the out of box class psdi.workflow.WFAssignmentSet to sort the records in descending order by start date.
The new Custom Mbo Set needs to be configured in the Database configuration of WFASSIGNMENT object.
public class CustomWFAssignments extends WFAssignmentSet implements WFAssignmentSetRemote
public void getInboxAssignments() throws RemoteException, MXException
setOrderBy(" STARTDATE desc");
The new Custom Mbo Set needs to be configured in the Database configuration of WFASSIGNMENT object.
public class CustomWFAssignments extends WFAssignmentSet implements WFAssignmentSetRemote
public void getInboxAssignments() throws RemoteException, MXException
setOrderBy(" STARTDATE desc");
how to add filter field on inbox/assignment? :(