Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Multi tab browser support in Maximo 7.x

When you open Maximo with same Login ID in multiple tabs or multiple browser window in same machine, you will find the other session gets logged out (or timed out) immediately. 

Some users want to work parallely on different applications, (PO and PR) / ( Receipts and Invoices) or  ( Work Order and PM). It will be more productive for them.

It can be achieved by below:
1. Set the below system properties and restart the servers
webclient.multibrowsersupport =  true
webclient.useabsoluteimagepath =  true  [It is for displaying the images properly in second session ]

2. Open the IE in -nomerge mode 
2.1. Change the shortcut properties.

2.2.Type "iexplore.exe -nomerge" in the command prompt

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